jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

Chapter 9 Visualizing with Technologies

- Explain "Digital Storytelling by Kate Kemker." Why do you think it would work in your classroom? 
Digital story telling is a great way for students to create digital stories by using their creative skills. First the students plan the story, secondly they use a camera to shoot their video and finally they edit their video using the help of a computer. 
I certainly think that this learning tool would be great to use in my classroom because it will help my students develop their creative and critical thinking skills while at the same time learning how to use some types of technology. 

- Mathematics is one of the most abstract subject-matter domains. Helping students to visualize mathematical concepts is very useful in helping students make math real. What other methods suggested in the textbook will also help make math more real to students?   
 Tinkerplots  are very useful tools that enable students to see different patterns so that they get a better understanding of a concept. Geometric Supposer is another useful tool that enables students to choose a shape and construct it by defining points, segments, parallels, etc.

- Is it possible to learn from TV alone?--that is, learn how to do something merely from watching TV instruction?   
Some times it works, but sometimes you need the on-on-one help. I think that for visual learners it works just fine, but let's keep in mind that not anyone can understand a concept by watching a video or a clip on TV. 


Jonassen, David H.. Meaningful learning with technology . 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008. Print.

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