jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

Week 9

 What did you learn about podcasting.  How it can be used in the classroom?
I learned that podcasting enables anyone to produce audio and video content for others to see and listen anywhere anytime. People can  have access to it with the help of a computer and the internet. Podcasting can be used to record a math or science lesson and make it available to all the students that might get easily distracted or that have reading problems.

 How is podcasting different / similar to other Web 2.0 applications we discussed so far?
Blogging and Wikis are  great tools for communication through written language but, podcasting uses audio, visual and written  language. This enables all types of students to make use of it more effectively. 
Podcasting can be downloaded to a MP3 player and can be seen and listened to anytime and anywhere we are. However we can combine it with blogging assignments.

Your reflection:  Do you own an iPod or MP3 player?  How do you use it?  Would you use it in your classroom and how? What do you think about advantages/disadvantages of online communication tools?

I do not have an iPod or MP3 player because they are very expensive. However I would love to use one of these to create an audiovisual book for my students in order to help them with reading comprehension. 
I really like online communications but sometime the server 's  not working and it messes my plans big time!


"You Tube." Podcasting in plain English. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. <www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMgemQahuFM >.

Crismond, David, Jane Howland, David H. Jonassen, and Rose M. Marra. Meaningful Learning with Technology (3rd Edition). 3 ed. Alexandria, VA: Prentice Hall, 2007. Print.

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