jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

E- portfolio

 Why do you use assessment activities? How do you use assessment activities as a way to generate feedback that can improve learner performance?
We use assessment activities because it helps us see what a student can do and what skills he has acquired throughout a period of time. They aslo help us in assessing students in a more feasible and effective way.

What is e-portfolio? How does it help teachers and students? What are computer-based tests? Does the use of computer-based tests impact validity and reliability? An E-portfolio is a set of "digitalized " work that may include clips, sound, artwork, writing samples, videos, etc. It helps teachers when assessing the student's efforts and progress. 

Computer based tests are a type of assessment that can be taken on a computer, or that are graded with the use of a computer. They are very reliable and can be formated the way we want them to be and at the level of difficulty we choose.


In short, an  E-portfolio is a type of computer based assessment and can be used by instructors when assessing student's skills taught previously. By using these types of assessments teachers measure student's progress and are able to help improve learner performance. 


Crismond, D., Howland, J., Jonassen, D. H., & Marra, R. M. (2007). Meaningful Learning with Technology (3rd Edition)(3 ed.). Alexandria, VA: Prentice Hall.

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